General President's Address
words which smack of finality.
By the very nature of the case I had to take up for discussion a few examples which have come to my notice. Naturally the view of some scholars have come for criticism, which may be a little improper. But let me emphasise that no disrespect is implied and no finality is claimed for the interpretations offered. To do so would amount to self-contradiction.
Not all or even the major aspects of the subject could be illustrated in an address like this. I had to confine myself to a few examples to get a glimpse of the topic. Let me frankly state that there is nothing very new in all this, and I know all of you are also engaged in interpretation in your research in Oriental Studies. Let me recall at this moment the words of Jayantabhatta in his Nyāyamañjari :
kuto vā' nūtanam vastu vayam utprekşituṁ kşamāh which is not merely an expression of modesty but embodies a profound truth. I add to it a metrically inelegant second line :
pūrvasürivicārāņām viśleșa evą nūtanaḥ.
Let me conclude, ladies and gentlemen, by thanking you for giving me a patient hearing.
General President's Address
All-India Oriental Conference 32nd Session November 1985