2 pāada, kaha te, 104 ciae, 127 ummatthaāi, halão (cf. W), 154 kunejjāsu, 156 bahumagganimmiāiỉ vesāvilaāna pemmā in, 175 golānaikacchakuduga, 177 kalabā, 204 nivvuijjae, addāna va padibimban (order), 250 appian, 253 dummuhao, 255 nivvui an, 257 haliasuā, 259 nadin, 268 sahāvasarala pi thanajuar padian, 284 manań, 291 dimbham anulaṁ(/g)giri, 305 dukkhena, 335 jaggassu (Ma, Tp jaggāsu), 354 tuhņikkaparungeņa pi ajja māŋamsinimuhena, 358 hiaammi, 377 nii, 389 uvvea(m)roirte, 390 māṇassa, 393 kim tattio, 405 kamalahaena jaṁ viasasi, 409 ekkam passasai thana bfam pulauggamena phuriamuhan, 429 agghia, 441 jammastarāi vi saaṁ calanań, 497 ja maā să maā, -516 piavirahe, 521 pagtajualati, 523 tue, 546 vedhă(1)la, 549 maddana, 559. maulantacchãi, 573 ajj(h)ā, 586 vilola, 589 kāūņa, 590 sikkhan, 593 savvo, 598 majjham pat kuanda (m), savattt a (hemistiches reversed), 607 dhakkesu, 643 darapikkakavitthagadhalohena, 647 samahiana T (samihian Ma, sumahia Tp), 649 vipphurai, daiena (cf. W), 651 jāi (cf. W), 653 dfsatadiţthisuhao, ullāventasuisuho, 658 asāvattie, 660 vahai, 677 pasāanaṁ (T paāsaņaṁ), 685 muhalo, 689 annaṁ gāmam pattā, 724 ukkhippei, 747 dhavalia ti kauņa, 756 aghadia, 779 so matthae padai.
The numbers in this section refer to the Telinga-recension, for which, see .Ed., pp. 450-501. Of the 700 Gāthas of the Telinga-recension 28 are exclusively found in this recension (221 also in x) and 14 only here and in W (660 also in x). Of the remaining 658 exactly 101 are otherwise only found in the Third South-Indian recension; some of these also occur in W. Of the reman ing 557, 424 occur in all recensions, i.e. the Vulgata, in which x has been included here, in the Third SouthIndian recension, in R of the Jaina-recension and in S. Of the remaining 133, 35 are found in all except the Third South-Indian recension, 22 in all except R, 16 in all except S and 18 in all except the Vulgata. 3 are found only in the Third South-Indian recension and R, 3 in the Third South-Indian recension and S, 8 only in the Vulgata and R, 4 in the Vulgata and S, 8 in the Vulgata and the Third South-Indian recension, 6 only in the Vulgata, 1 in R (and x), 6 in R and S, 1 in y, P and S, and 1 in y (and W).