While writing the conclusion of the seventh Sataka the scribe was apparently interrupted and appears to have forgotten to complete it. In between 196 and 197 four Gathās are found which occur again as 374377 (see also Ti). Furthermore, for several Gathās lacunae have been noted (577, 595, 596, 606). The MS formerly belonged to śrf Nārāyanan Govindan Nambūri, Avl., Kumāramangalattu illam, Gangānāśćeri. Lit.: Alphabetical Index of the Sanskrit MSS in the University Manuscripts Library, Trivandrum, Vol. I, Trivandrum, 1957 (ABC 316), no. 4758; A descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS in the Curator's Office Library, Trivandrum, Vol. VI, Trivandrum, 1940 (ABC 312, 6), no. 1437a.