चाउजामो य जो धम्मो, जो इमो पंचसिक्खिो । देसिओ वडमाणेणं, पासेण य महामुणी ॥ १२ ॥ अचेलगो य जो धम्मो जो इमो संतरुत्तरो । एगकज्जपवन्नाणं, विसेसे किं नु कारणं ॥ १३ ॥
9. Kèsī Kumāra Samaņé Goyamé ya mahāyasé; Ubhao vi tatt ha viharinsu alliņā susamāhiyā.
10. Ubhao sīsa sanghāṇam sanjayāņam tavassiņam; Tattha Cintā samuppannā guṇavantāņam taiņam.
11. Kériso vă imo dhammo ? Imo dhammo va kériso ? Ayāra dhammappa ņihi ima vā sā va kérise ?
12. Chāujjāmo ya jo dhammo, jo imo pancha sikkhio; Désio Vaddhamāņéņam Pāseņa ya mabāmuni.
13. Acélago va jo dhammo jo imo santaruttaro; Ega kajja pa vanuāņam visésé kim nu kāraṇam.
9-13. Both Kési Kumāra Śramana and Gautama Gañadhara were illustrious personages; both were sojourning there; both had control over their mind, speech and body; both practised deep meditation on the Supreme Soul and profound devotion. The congregation of ascetic-disciples of both these illustrious personages, who had conquered their sensual pleasures, desires, and practised severe austerities, and who were highly virtuous and able to deliver others (from the bondage of Samsāra ) had tbe following doubts in their minds. “ What must be the nature of the yÅ Dharma, Code of religious duties with four vows taught by the great sage wiginaalogy Shree Pārsva Nāth Prabhu and of the code of religious duties with five vows taught by Srama na Bhagavān Mahāvīra Swami and what must be the respective distinction between our TTT Acāra, Rules of conduct, with regard to putting on of dress, eating, keeping of utensils for food eto and