interruptedly with the smoke, in a cross-ways, or straight upward direction.
i. Markata-tantu Carana Labdhi ### alturafos Under the influence of this Labdhi, a Yogi or an ascetic entering the minute fibre of Kubja-vriksha T a kind of aquatic plant is able to move about in very crooked crevices of tortuous trees and plants.
j. Cakramana Jyoti rasmi Carana Labdhi HUT fatfatfea atuafon Under the influence of this Labdhi, a Yogi or an ascetic possessing it, is able to walk about by taking support of the rays of the light of the Sun, or the Moon, or the planets, or the constellations or of the stars.
k. Vayu-Carana Labdhi ay Tuafeu A Yogi or an ascetic possessing Vāyu Cāraṇa Labdbi, by taking the support of the molecules of Akāsa #17 Space-region of any direction is able to move with the wind travelling in that direction.
- 11. Asivisa आसिबीस Asivisha Labdhi आशीविषलब्धि Animals with Asivisha Labdhi have their poison deposited in their fangs. They are of two kinds viz 1. Those produced by Karmas * Actions and 2 Those produced by Jäti nifa Birth.
Poisonous animals produced by PÅ Karma, Actions in previous life are five-sensed. 1 Lower animals 2. Human beings and 3, Celestial beings living in the first eight heavens. They are able to do things capable of being accomplished either by such poisonous animals as scorpions and snakes or by austerities or by other natural qualities.
For instance, gods pronounce curses on others and their evil effects do eventually occur. They possess this labdhi during their ofan EUT A paryāpta avasthā-Undeveloped state. Having acquired the Asivisha labdhi during their previons human existence, even though they are newly born in the first eight heavens. they are known, in their undeveloped state, as possessing