15 Citram caiva trijagati sahasraso nirjite mayā vādaih;
Ksipracatastbalyāmiva kam-kamko'san sthito vādi 15
15 It is really strange that in the three worlds, thousauds have been won over by me by discussions, this controversialist has remained like a grain of corn resisting fire in a cooking dish of easily prepared food.
. wfmarta Antonfa ogit ! अल्पमपि शरीरस्थं शल्यं प्राणान् वियोजयति ॥ १६ ॥
16 A sminnajite sarvam jagajjayodbhutamani yaśo naśyet;
Alpamapi sarīrastham salyam prāņān viyoyati 16.
16. If this one is not won over, the entire reputation 8cquired by my victory over controversialists all over the world. becomes completely destroved. Because, even a small thorn existing in the body, deprives it of the means of supporting life.
17:- farasta ata: for protot farnarfa? I
एकस्मिन्निष्टके कृष्ट दुर्गः सर्वोऽपि पात्यते ॥ १७ ॥
17 Yatah:-Chidre svalpe'pi potah kim pathodhaụ na nimajjati?
Ekasminnista ke krişte durgah sarvo'pi pātyate 17.
17 Because-Does not a ship sink itself under water, even with a small hole in it? A fortress is completely pulled down by the removal of one brick. 17.
Having thought thus, Indrabhūti Gautama, at the time of going into the presence of Sramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira, decorated himself with twelve distinguishing marks on his body, with a gold tifa Yagnoparita, the sacred tireai worn by members of the first three classes over the left shoulder and under the right arm, became arrogant, dressed himself with a yellow garment and went accompanied by five hundred pupils