1. Yadi trilokiga nanapara syat, tasyah samaptír-yadi nayuṣah syat; Pāreparardhyam ga nitam yadi syat, ganeya nihseṣa guno'pi sa syat. 1
1 If there be a different calculation of all the objects of the three worlds, and if there be no life left for the completion of that calculation, and if the calculation be beyond q Parardha (100000,000,000000000) then only, he becomes one whose entire qualities become calculable. 1
On being told thus, he resolved
नूनमेष महाधूर्ती, मायायाः कुलमंदिरम् । कथं लोकः समस्तोऽपि विभ्रमे पातितोऽमुना ? ॥ २ ॥
2 Nūnameṣa mahādhūrto, māyāyāh kulamandiram; Katham lokaḥ samasto'pi vibhrame patito'munā. 2
2. Certainly, he is a great rogue, and he is the familytemple of fraud. How is the whole population thrown into delusion by him?
न क्षमे क्षणमात्रं तु तं सर्वज्ञं कदाचन ।
तमः स्तोममपाकर्तु सूर्यो नैव प्रतीक्षते ॥ ३ ॥
3 Na kṣame kṣaṇamatram tu, tam sarvajnam kadācana; Tamaḥ stomama pākartum, sūryo. naiva pratikṣate 3.
3 I cannot at all, tolerate that sarvajna, even for a moment. The Sun never waits for removing the mass of darkness.
वैश्वानरः करस्पर्श, केसरोल्लुंचनं हरिः । क्षत्रियश्च रिपुक्षेपं न सहन्ते कदाचन ॥ ४ ॥
4 Vaiśvānaraḥ karasparśam, kesarolluncanam harih; Ksatriya sca ripuksepam, na sahante kadacana. 4
4 Fire does not tolerate a touch with the hand; a lion does not tolerate a pulling of his mane; and a Kṣatriya (brave warrior) does not tolerate an insult from his enemy. 4.