ned by it and none accepted any bow, because the assembly consisted only of gods, and lower animals. This event is therefore reckoned as one the ten strange events of Sramana Bhagavān Mahāvira
Sramana Bhagavän Mahävira, knowing that there still remained Tirthankara Nãma Karma alá T AIA FÅ, to be experienced by him and that it can be experienced by enlighting suitable individuals, went, surrounded by millions of gods and goddesses and placing his feet on gold lotuses arranged by gods in front of him, to Apãpä TITI Nagari - a town, twelve yojans in extent, embellished with devout persons, and overflowing with Brāhmins and other individuals who had collected there from various countries for the purpose of visiting the Yagna, with the supremely good object of enlightening the Brahmins.
In a large pleasure – garden named Mahaséna Vana Atha ga near the town, the gods prepared a Samavasarana.
Sramana Bhagavān Mahãvira entered the Samavasarana by its East-door, went three times round the religions tree thirtytwo dhanushya high resembling an image of gems, and saying “ Namo Titthassa Oatfacgee I” Adoration to Tirtha ater-a congrégation consisting of Sãdhus Fly Saints 2 Sãd hvis atest Nuns 3 Srāvakas 19 Jain lay men and 4 Srāvikās sifar Jain females, sat on the jewelled throne with a footstool in the middle of the Samavasarana with his face directed towards the East. Devout gods arranged three images of the Bhagavân in the three remaining directions. Gods, human beings and lower animals entered by the main door and occupied their appropriate seats. The Indra, then, bowing down most respectfully and praising him with his two folded hands brought in front of his fore-head, sat raverentially. Sramana Bhagavän Mahāvíra preacbed Dharma as follows:
This Samsāra is formidable like a turbulent ocean and its chief cause is the Karma, like the seed of a tree. A man beco