the soul of
Bhagavăn Mahavira, when becomes a Tirthankara.”
He was thoroughly conversant with the fourteen varieties of knowledge (1-6 Angâni agifa, The six Supplements of the Vedas, 7-10 Védáh #T:, The four Vèdäs, 11. Mimănsa later The designation of a philosophical system which is divided into two distinct branches. The former called Purva or Karma Mimans पूर्व or कर्म मीमांसा and founded by Gaimini जैमिनि is chiefly concerned with the correct interpretation of Vedic ritual, the latter, called Uttara-Brahma or Sariraka Mimănså uT-08TITTA HAIET but best known under the name of Vedanta वेदान्त and founded by Badarayana बादरायण is a pantheist system of discussing chiefly the nature of Brahman su or the universal soul. 12. Nyāya raid the Nyāya system of philosophy 13 Dharma Shastra wÅ Tie Discourses on virtue or duty and 14 Purāna Truf Name of eighteen legendary works treating chiefly of Cosmogony and divine Genealogy. These fourteen vari. eties of Vidyâ faur knowledge are mentioned in the following verse
अङ्गानि वेदाश्चत्वारो मीमांसा न्यायविस्तरः । । धर्मशास्त्रं पुराणं च विद्यास्त्वेता श्चतुर्दशा ॥ १ ॥
Angáni, Vedas’chatvaro, Mimansa, Nyaya vistarah Dharma sbástram, Puranam ca vidya stveta s'caturdas'á.
Angani, the six Supplements of Védas, the four Vedas, Mimānsã, the entire field of Nyāya shästra, Dharma Shastra Discourses of sacred knowledge, or on virtue or duty and Puranas-Legendary works-These constitute the fourteen varieties of Vidya faqı knowledge.
The Vedăngâs are six in number. They are:शिक्षा कल्पो व्याकरणं निरुक्त छंदसा चयः । ज्योतिषायमनं चैव वेदांगानि षडेव तु ॥ २ ॥