THE STORY OF THE MONKEY. In the Vindhya mountain, abounding in beasts of prey of various kinds, there was a monkey, who was amusing himself constantly with his beloved female monkeys.
One day, a strong young monkey came there, and began to enjoy himself fearlessly, having sexual intercourse with the monkey's chief beloved. In due course of time, the chief female monkey, accepting the new paramour, used to enjoy unhesitatingly with him. She did not care a straw for her husband. Other female monkey's living near her, said, “This monkey has become old. He is fit to be abandoned.” Thinking that the new monkey was quite suitable, all the female monkeys remained under his shelter.
Because, वृक्षं क्षीणफलं त्यजन्ति विहगाः शुष्कं सरः सारसाः पुष्पं पर्युषितं त्यजन्ति मधुपा दग्धं बनान्तं मुंगाः । निर्दव्यं पुरुषं त्यजन्ति गणिका भ्रष्टं नृपं सेवकाः सर्वः स्वार्थवशाजनोऽभिरमते नो कस्य को वल्लभः ॥ १ ॥
1. Vrikşam kşiņaphalam tyajanti vibagāh suskam sarah sārasāh Puspam paryuşitam tyajanti madhupā dagdham vanāntam mrigāb / Nirdravyam puruşam tyajanti gaộikā bhrastam nripam séva kāh/ Sarvah svārthavaśājjano'bhiramate no kasya ko vallabhah.
1. Birds abandon trees whose fruits have withered; cranes abandon dried-up la kes; bees abandon a stale flower; deer abandon the forest region which has been burnt; barlots abandon a man destitute of wealth; servants abandon a dethroned king; every body rejoices' at one's self interest. Who is not the favourite of any body?