1. If there were no ups and downs of wealth in the form of increase and loss, this forest of worldly existence would have become exceedingly easy to cross.
२ मेघानामिव लोकानामायुगलति नीरवत् ।
चपलेव चला लक्ष्मीः, पाण्डुतेवैति विश्रसाम् ॥ २ ॥ 2. Méghānāmiva lokānāmāyurgalati niravat; Capaléva cala laxmih pandutévaiti visrasam. 2 ३ तत्रायुषा च लक्ष्म्या च वपुषा चास्थिरात्मना । चिरं स्थिरतरं रत्न-त्रयं ग्राहयं विवेकिना ॥ ३ ॥
3. Tatrāyushā ca lakshmyā ca vapusbā cāsthirātmanā; Ciram stbirataram ratna-trayam grähyam vivékina.
2-3. The life of people vanishes like the water of clouds: wealth is fickle like lightning and the whiteness of fleeting clouds, therefore, judicious persons unsteady with regard to term of life, wealth and body, should always accept the more stable रत्न-प्रय Ratna-traya. The three jewels-viz सम्यग ज्ञान Samyag Jnāna, Right Knowledge FETT TA Samyag Darśana
Right Perception and सम्यग चारित्र Samyag Caritra RightConduct.
- ४ तत्रोपाश्रयभैषज्य-पुस्तकान्नांशुकादिभिः ।
सहाय्यं ज्ञानिनां तन्वन् ज्ञानमाराधयेद्गृही ॥ ४ ॥
4. Tatropasraya bhaishajya-pustakānnānsukadibhih; Saha-yyam, jnāninām tanvan jnāmārādhayédgrihi.
4. A house holder rendering astistance to persons with higher knowledge, by the giving of 3919 Upāśraya, Place of 'Refuge, भैषज्य Bhaishajya, Medicines, पुस्तक Pustaka Books
आंशक Ansuka, clothes, etc, adores ज्ञाम Jnana, Knowledge.