Sramaņa Bhagavān Mabāvira then removed his doubt by explaining the verses of the Vedas. The condition of the Soul is quite distinct from that of the five elements. The union of the five elements (i-e earth, water, fire, air and ether ) of which the body is composed and into which it is dissolved at death, does not produce haar Chétanā, Conscionsness. Consciousness, the chief characteristic of the Soul, is absolutely different from the five elements composing the body. haalgauit : Chétană lakshaņo Jivah; The Soul is characterised by Consciousness. The Soul possessing consciousness becomes separated from the hody at the expiration of the allotted term of life, and goes into the future world.
Some individuals have a recollection of events of former life, even during their present existence by arfa EHTU Jāti Smarana, Remembrance of the event of a former birth. If there be no gave Punarbhava, Re-birth, who will enjoy the pleasures of meritorious work or suffer the evil consequences of wicked actions done during this life? If there be no re-birth and if there is no recompense for good or evil actions, why should there be any consideration what-so-ever that only 'meritorious deeds sbould be performed and wicked actions always a voided? If such be the case, then, it will come out as a settled fact that every individual in this world is at liberty to act in accordanc with his peculiar imagination. But we see all the individuals in this world bearing the consequences of good or evil deeds, and all of them are not the result of deeds done by them during this life, and therefore there is no doubt whatso-ever that there is Trais Para-loka, Next life.
Arya Métārya, fully convinced by the explanation, took 11 Dikśā, initiation at the hands of Sramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira, along with his three hundred pupils.
Gañadhara Mabārāja Métārya was thirty-six years old when he renounced the world. He then studied the various works of Jain Scriptures for a number of years. After a period