When, however, Pandita Achalabhrātā approached Sramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira with the object of removing his doubt he was addressed thus:
अथ पुण्ये सन्दिग्धं बिजमचलभ्रातरं विषुधमुख्यम् । ऊचे विभुर्यथास्थं वेदार्थ किं न भावयसि ? ॥ १ ॥
1. Atha punyé sandigdham dvijamachalabhrātaram vibudha mukhyam; Uchè vibhu r-yathästham Vèdārtham kim na bħāvayasi ?
1. The. Lord (Śramaņa Bhagavān Mahavira ) told the Brāhmin learned man Achalabhrātā who had a doubt about gou Punya. The reward of meritorious, work “Why do you not trace out the exact meaning of the verses of the V6das ?
śrama na Phaga vân Mahāvira then removed his doubt by explaining the correct interpretation of the verses of the Védas and by explaining that the reward of meritorious work and the evil consequences of wicked actions are clearly evident even in this world and they are well-known to persons knowing
the ways of the world. Long life, health, handsome appearance · birth in noble families etc are the reward of meritorious work.
Short life, ill health, ugliness, poverty, miseries of various diseases, birth in low families etc are the evil consequences of wicked actions. In this world, one man is born as a king. while another is born as a beggar; one is possessed of excellent body with all the senses fully developed, while another has ill-developed delicate body, with some of the senses wanting or not developed at all; one man is very lucky and rolling in wealth and prosperity while another is penniless and has hardly a morsel of food to eat; one is very healthy and never suffers from any pain, while another is always suffering with pangs of varieties of diseases; one is able to digest whatever be eats, while another having ample to eat, is not able to digest even the smallest portion of wholesome nutritious diet; one is