69. O Gautama ! you are very intelligent This doubt of mine has been removed ( by you ). I have also another doubt, 0 Gautama ! ( please ) tell me that. . .. ..... 1. अण्णवंसि महोहंसि, नावा विप्परिधावइ ।
जंसि गोअममारूढो, कहं पारं गमिस्ससि ? ॥ ७० ॥
70. Aņņavámsi mahohamsi nāvá vipparid hāvai; Jamsi Góamamārūdho kaham pāram gamissasi?
। 70. A boat rushes swiftly along the strong current, of the water of the occan, O Gautama ! you have mounted that boat How will you reach the other boundary of the ocean )?
जा उ अस्साविणी नावा न सा पारस्स गामिणी । जा निरस्साविणी नावा सा उ पारस्स गामिणी ॥ ७१ ॥
71. Jā u assåviņi nāvā na sā pārassa gāmiņi; Jā nirassāviņi nāvā sā u pārassa gāmiņi.
71. The boat which accumulates water is not the one reaching the other boundary; the boat which does not allow water to enter it, however, is the one reaching the other . boundary.
नावा अ इति का वुत्ता केसी गोअममधवी ।
केसीमेवं बुवंतं तु, गोअमो इणमब्बवी ॥ ७२ ॥
72. Nāvā a iti kā vutta, Kési Goamamabbavī; Késimévam buvantam tu Goamo iņamabbavi.
72. Srama na Kési Kumāra asked Ga nadhara Mahārāja Indra bhūti Gautama "Which boat did you say? When Kési Kumāra asked him in this way, Gañadhara Gautama replied thus:
सरीरमाहु नावत्ति जीवो वुचति नाविओ । ' संसारो अण्णवो वुत्तो, जं तरंति महेसिणो ॥ ७३ ॥