Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
sources of great joy.
218. The happy sex-game of the previous night has put this young daughter-in-law
to deep sleep so relaxing to her overworked limbs but so tormenting to her rivals in love.
219. You surely wouldn't have been that angry with me (when I rebuked you for
your conjugal disloyalty) if you had only understood the agony of a woman who on waking up in the middle of the night finds her husband's place in the bed empty.
220. Although Satyabhāmā and the other wives of Krşņa were equally hurt,
Satyabhāmā alone was angry and felt jealous; both the feelings were properly related to her love and regard for Krsna. They essentially were reflections of her love.
221. My friend, tell me whether in the early hours of the morning I too had gone out with him. For, that fair one appears altogether different in the mirror.
222. The moon, as he wanders through the night, loses his lustre in the early hours
of the morning; but you seem to be adding to your lustre after your nocturnal rounds. Is that on account of your wife's (? mistress's) fragrance which you are wearing?
223. Krsna gave to Rukmiņī that garland of celestial (Pārijāta) flowers spreading
fragrant smell and perfume, although not solicited (or requested for) by her, thereby causing pain to Satyabhāmā's heart.
224. If outward show of courtesy pleases and if it is mistaken for true affection
then indeed there is no difference between genuine affection and pretended affection.
225. You are hurt because I gave the celestial flowers to Rukmiņī, but if I were
to bring back the very flowers to gratify you it wouldn't be in keeping with my love for you, my delicate one, nor with my offence.
226. The hunter who has spent himself out on his new young wife yet forces
himself to carry to the forest his unpared bow which has now become for