Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poctics
Sarvasena's account of Pārijātaharana became so popular that it is safe to surmise that Harivassa must have borrowed it from Sarvasena's version semetime after the fifth century A. D. - when Sarvasena wrote his Harivijaya.
Devout admirers and lovers of Harivamśa believing in its antiquity may argue the other way round. But the outburst of Abhinavagupta's appreciation does not quite seem to justify this view. Abhinavagupta elaborates here Anandavard remark about Sarvasena's originality and genius with specific reference to this innovation of the admirable molif.'
1) Read in this connection the follwing : इदमपरं प्रबन्धस्य रसाभिव्यञ्जकत्वे निबन्धनम् । इतिवृत्तवशायातां कथञ्चिद् रसाननुगुणां स्थितिं त्यक्त्वा पुनरुत्प्रेक्ष्याप्यन्तराभीष्टरसोचितकथोन्नयो विधेय: । यथा कालिदासप्रबन्धेषु । यथा च सर्वसेनविरचिते हरिविजये ।
- ध्वन्यालोक III. pp. 335-336. And, Abhinavagupta's Locana on it : कालिदासेति । रघुवंशे अजादीनां राज्ञां विवाहादिवर्णनं नेतिहासेषु निरूपितम् । हरिविजये कान्तानुनयनाङ्गत्वेन पारिजातहरणादि निरूपितमितिहासेष्वदृष्टमपि ।