Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
and illustrated once in the SK, but in the SP greater attention is paid to her: She is classified into Akşatā, Kșatā, Yātāyātā and Yāyāvarā, three of these terms being adopted from the Dharmaśāstra; Akşată, illustrated by Satyavatī, is one who has had contact with a male before marriage; Kşatā is a married lady who, after her husband's death, is taken by another as wife. Yātāyātā is illustrated by Tārā (the star, not Vālin's wife) who was Bphaspati's wife, was seduced by Candra to whom she bore Budha, but was then made to come back (Yāta-āyātā) to her original husband; ... Bhoja gives the Yāyāvarā variety of a Punarbhū illustrated by Madhavi who was on the move from place to place marrying four husbands successively, Krameņa sad-bhartrcatustayī, bearing each of them a son and finally retired to the Vindhyas for penance . . . Mādhavi was a daughter of Yayātī and had a boon by which, immediately after each delivery, her maidenhood was restored.
In addition to these, Bhoja gives in the SK four Nāyikās corresponding to the four Nāyakas, Dhīra-Udātta etc., which he omits in SP. The Uddhată is haughty, Udāttă is one who has a deep hidden sense of prestige, gūdhamânarddhi, the Săntă is one whose māna is completely subsided, nirvana-mānā. The Lalitā is one in whom the play of māna becomes delectable, Slāghanīya-mānā; in fact, upto a stage, this kind of măna forms an essential part of love. Correspondence with four hero -types, Dhīroddhata, Dhīrodātta; Dhīraśānta and Dhīralalita is clear and we may note here that these four classes have been defined on the basis of Māna, with reference to which the word Dhairya is used in the well-known Nāyikā classification Dhīrā and Adhīrā. .... The Eight Avastā-Nāyīkās are mentioned in the SK also.”
- Dr. V. Raghavan (Śrgāramañjari) (ii) Nātyaśāstra and Abhinavabhārati on Vāsaka and Väsakasajjä :
Regarding the term Vāsaka, Bharata has the following verses: (राज्ञामन्त:पुरजने दिवासंभोग इष्यते ।) वासोपचारो यश्चैषां स रात्रौ परिकीर्तित: । परिपाटयां फलार्थे वा नवे प्रसव एव वा । दु:खे चैव प्रमोदे च षडेते वासका: स्मृताः ।। उचिते वासके स्त्रीणामृतुकालेऽपि वा नृपैः । प्रेष्याणामथवेष्टानां कार्यं चैवोपसमर्पणम् ॥
- Natyaśāstra XXII. 208-210.