Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
the fruit or the result becomes manifest or arises. This Vibhāvanā is ukta-nimittă, as the special cause the cluster of moon-beams, which provides embellishment in the absence of the ordinary well-known ones is mentioned
55.592. This skandhaka from Setu is already dealt with; vide ŚP S.No. (1351.281)
SK S.No. (146.369). Viśveśvara cites it here as an example of the figure Višeşokti (anukta-nimittā) which is the exact opposite of Vibhāvanā. It consists in the non-statement of the fruit even when the ordinary well-known causes are present. Viśveśvara, after citing the skandhaka, observes : 3751 कदम्बवाताभावादीनामाश्वासहेतूनां सत्त्वेऽपि श्रीरामस्य आश्वासाभाव उक्त : । आश्वासोत्पत्तिप्रतिबन्धकाश्च सप्तच्छदवातादय इति तेषामनुक्ति : ।
56.592. Visvešvara cites this găthä as an example of Višesokti (third variety,
acintya-nimittā) and observes : अत्र कुन्दकर्लिंकादर्शनसत्त्वेऽपि तदिच्छाविच्छेदाभाव उक्त: । तत्र च किंचिन्निमित्तं लक्षणरूपमस्त्येव । न तु विशेष्यं वक्तुं शक्यमित्यचिन्त्यशक्तिरूपत्वम् ।
57.592. This verse is already dealt with; vide SK S.No (50.350) supra.
Viśveśvara cites it as an example of the figure Virodha (jāterguņena). The moonlight and other objects which are naturally cool and pleasant are described here as hot and umbearable, hence the figure. The apparent contradiction is removed as soon as we remember that the sight of the paragon of beauty has changed the whole world for the king; Objects pleasure-giving, have now become sources of pain and agony.
58.593. Visvesvara cites this verse as an example of the figure Virodha (jāteh
kriyayā). Karpūramañjarī, although her hands and feet are like the tender sprouts, her eyes like blue lotuses, and face like the moon and her body like a fresh Campaka flower, gives such a burning or scorching feeling. Viśveśvara, after citing the gāthā, remarks : "37 Poisturaifoiti arcula PuT HE --- Parter: Jarac RER : 1"
This contradiction, of course apparent, is removed, the moment we remember that it is the description of the condition of separation.