Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics अत्र नवपूर्णिमामृगाङ्कस्य कस्त्वमसीति प्रश्नात् क्षणरागिता नवपूर्णिमामृगाङ्कवदर्थतोऽवगम्यते इत्यार्थमौपम्यम् । तदेव च का प्रदोष रजनीव तवाद्येति द्वितीयार्धे चोपोदलितम् । - प्र. १५.
10. Sobhākara cites this gātha in the course of his discussion relating to his newly
discovered figure Pratimā. He declares that the figure contained in this gāthā is Apahnuti. He thus comments: --- इत्यादौ शीतलत्वादिहारधर्मसंबन्धेऽपि सामानाधिकरण्यनिर्देशात् ... "सो च्चिअ (मुत्ता - ) हारो" इति मुख्यनिषेधाचापहनुतत्यादय एव । - पृ. १६.
11. Sobhākara cites this gātha as an example of Drștānta arising from similarity
between the two sentences. He remarks: अत्र विप्रियाभावामतमोचनयोर्भावाभावयोर्बिम्बप्रतिबिम्बभाव: । --- अत एव च आर्थमौपम्यम् ।
12. The editor of the text renders अविसण्णो into Sanskrit as अवसन्नो; अविषण्ण would be
the correct rendering. Sobhākara cites this gāthā as an example of Drstānta springing from dissimilarity; he observes : अत्र धूर्धारणाद्यवलम्बनभावा(? वलम्बनाभावा)दिना वैधपेण प्रतिबिम्बितम् । .
13. The printed text reads वहुप्पमाणेण (Sk. बहुप्रमाणेन). Probably the original reading was
पहुप्पमाणेण (Sk. प्रभवता). Hemacandra declares : प्रभौ हुप्पो वा । ८।४।६३. गण्ड means the cheek and पाली (पालि) the tip of the ear. “(Your) cheeks and the tips of your ears turning red through anger,---."
14. मुउड is a misprint for मउड in the Devadhar's edn. If the latter part of the second
half is read as दीसइ (णिअ -) मउड-ससिखंडो, we have the normal gāthā metre (12 + 18, 12 + 15 matras). Sobhakara cites this gatha as an example of his newly discovered figure Vinoda. After citing it he comments: अत्र गौर्याः पराङ्मुखीत्वेन कपोलस्यादर्शने तत्सदृशशशिखण्डविलोकनेनोत्कण्ठातिवाहनम् । - पृ. २४. . faris - a diversion, an amusement, any amusing pursuit or occupation.
15. According to poetic convention, fame is always described as white; ksirodadhi
= the sea of milk (which is naturally white). "Seeing today the very long (and extensive) stream of your fame, O, King, we satisfied our (deep) longing for seeing the milky ocean." Read : अत्राननुभूतस्य क्षीरोदधे: कीर्तिप्रवाहदर्शनेनोत्कण्ठाया अतिवाहनम् । - शोभाकर, पृ. २४.
16. The printed text reads अज्ज (Sk. अद्य). The generally accepted reading, however,