Chapter XVII Prakrit Verses in Rasårņavasudhakara
1. Simhabhūpāla cites this gātha to illustrate sathopapatih. śatha : a deceitful lover
(who pretends to love one woman while his heart is fixed on another); upapati a paramour. After citing the gatha he comments.: अत्र कयाचित् स्वैरिण्या मयि संकेतं गतायां त्वं तु वनवाटिकायां कयापि रन्तुं गतोऽसीति व्यङ्गयार्थेनान्यसंभोगसूचनादयं शठोपपति: । पृ. ३६.
2. RAS cites this stanza to illustrate svakiyā or svīyā nāyikā :
संपत्काले विपत्काले या न मुञ्चति वल्लभम् ।। eftcantajulent at Fotel oferat get: 11 - g. 38-80.
The types of heroine depend primarily on her relation to the hero; she may be his wife (sva, sviya). In the stanza cited the näyikā is Sītā, the wife of the hero Răma.
3. RAS cites this stanza to illustrate vyapadeśa, one of the twelve vāgārambhas (such
as alāpa, vilāpa, etc.). It is defined as : NISHIHASIER 24448Tch: 19.909.
The stanza forms the famous Hamsapadikā's song in Kalidasa's A' sākuntala. Hamsapadika was once the King's favourite but now she was fallen into neglect. The King now pays court to the elderly queen, Vasumatī. The younger once favourite' taunts the King for having forgotten her by addressing him as a madhukara (bee) who is greedy after newer and newer enjoyments. The stanza, suggests that the King has now forgotten his new beloved Sakuntala too. Hamsapadikā's own desire for enjoyment of love's delights with the King is here expressed, according to the RAS under the pretext of describing 'madhukaracūtamañjari-výttānta'.
4. This gātha is already dealt with; vide DR-Avaloka S.No. (16.31) supra.
Avaloka cites it to illustrate 'sambhoga-narma' RAS too cites it in the same context : 'CUT TODICT.'