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Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
18. This gåthă contains the figure Uttara (Reply); When a question is inferred from
an answer, there is Uttara (377 que TRUT 'Para gaat alat ar sa terRA IG UTRICICR:). This figure suggests the fact that her consort (or) lover is not only trying to hide the fresh nail-marks and tooth-bites but they enable her to detect his faithlessness or disloyalty. '3197 GERA Tightne - this part contains the figure 31969la (Concealment). But the principal figure 'Uttara' is really suggestive.
19. Note : 34 3771' FUE HECH6 HRC Eg:, daarut T 3THITI ER STYi ScaciARTRIT
'तनोस्तनूकरणेऽपि तव हृदये न वर्तते इति विशेषोक्त्यलंकारो व्यज्यते । - बालबोधिनी, पृ. १४६.
20. Here the sugestion lies in the single word 'stupefied' (Panel) - this (stupefaction)
which is impossible in the inanimate (acetana) efforts (vyavasāya) stands for 'impeded'.
21. Here the figure Rūpaka (Metaphor) - 3ERT: FAHAGSHH - (Your lover's lower
lip was withered lotus-leaf — suggests the figure Kavya-linga (Poetic Reason) by implying that your lover's nether lip looked withered on account of your repeated and repeated kissing of his lower lip (right up to the very morning).
22. Here 'Madana's undisputed sway over the three worlds suggests that not a single
one of these persons over whom Madana has his sway, ever goes against his orders, hence they spend the nights in wakeful sexual intercourse.
23. The poet describes the scene of viparīta-rata 'Contrary intercourse'. It is where the woman takes the man's position above, while the man lies below.
F R A (= TRURIA:) fanguilla: Tula TRIT: ER: The pearl - necklace is an impediment to close embrace. It, however, does not desert her constant friends, the breasts, as it is of pure breed. Here the figure Kávyalinga, contained in the epithet 'being of pure breed' suggests the fact that the pearl-necklace remained constantly oscillating during the upward and downward movements of the nayika in the course of viparita-rata.
24. Mammata thus comments on this stanza: 371 374dHUT 66THOUT CT 0597979T: Fahrerut:
प्राप्त: यथा रतिविरतावप्यनिवृत्ताभिलाष: कामुकोऽभूदिति खंद (= स्कन्ध-) पदद्योत्या विभावना (व्यज्यते) । - 9. 982.