Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
Appendix I.
1314. PSM records : But = TGT; TR (or for) = TG, and for the illustrations of
both these words cites the gathă under discussion.
1315. 37PR (IRR) uncertain, unascertained, doubtful; HT3TUT (147) a medicine
supposed to prevent old age and prolong life, an elixir of life. 4 (214) to be exhausted, be distressed, be disturbed or be perplexed.
1318. H = a rc ind. wherefrom? Whence ? Why ? Wherefore ? 1319. Dr. H. C. Bhayani reconstructs this gāthă as follows :
"ओहिए दिणे उ. विहुरा विवण्ण-मुहआ पओसि पंथं । Past (2 188) - f31 73195 37-ucun golles II (अवधेर्दिने तु विधुरा विवर्णमुखा प्रादोषिकं पन्थानम् । Fora (feat) - feras uliotaufacht 37781 Ugell ycticaufa II" (The earlier part of the second half is metrically defective. If we read far-fezi 13799311 37RAT-opfSen geltus I, the metre would not be violated.) We may translate the găthā as follows:
On the day she had expected her husband to return home, the young woman full of distress, pale in complexion, saw in the dusk of the evening, someone halt on the road outside and felt the torments of hope.
(3qullsat means 'on the stipulated day of return from journey abroad.') 1322. Read in the second half Pacd HRHR got. 1324. gouria (78) (clouds) rising high (in the sky); 3111 who had already)
abandoned all hope of her life; ओरुण्णमही (अवरुदितमुखी) with her face covered with tears.
1325. See ŚP S. No. (82.57) above; see the Extract from the Sanskrit Commentary
in Appendix I.
1326. RT37-18T3R3 (= faq-GTGT) brother of poison i.e., born out of the same source,
namely, ocean; TAŞ - Who says ? al is one of the ten substitutes for
gad to say, See H. VIII. 4.2. 1327. Add below the chāyā the source of the gātha --- 'GSI - 29'. See ŚP S. No.