Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
Gatha S. No. (361), p.96 : ---- कोऽर्थः । यन्नायिका मानं रचितवती (तत्) तावत्, यावद्वल्लभो दृष्टिगोचरं नेयाय । आगते तस्मिन् काकनाशं नष्ट: । वज्जासणि (वजाशनि) involves repetition,
as ou and 3If both mean one and the same thing i.e., the thunder-bolt. 1228. See $P S. No. (1082.242) above : प्र. १००९ : तोइअपिआणुवत्तणमउलिअहिअआए एवसेसवहूओ ।
संभाविअच्छि हिओ हरिणा पादपडणम्मि तीए अमरिसो ॥ पृ. १०४१ : लोलअसुरअरुकारण मउलिअहिअआए सावसेसवलहुए ।
संभाविअ चिअ हिओ हरिणा पाअपअम्मि तीए अमरिसो । पृ. १२०९ : तोइअसुरअरुकारण सउइअहिअआए सावसेअअहलहुओ ।
संभाविअ च्चिअ हिअओ हरिणा पाअपडणम्मि तीए अमरिसो ॥ Bhoja cites it here as an example of one of the mānopasantis, called उन्मूलनम् = eradication, destroying.
Comparing the text of this skandhaka given on three occasions the text is restored and presented as ŚP S. No. (1082.242). Prof. M. V. Patwardhan's remarks : "If we emend 275931 (ŚP p. 1209) as संउइअ (? संकुइअ), it will not offend the metre. मउलिअ would mean the same as संउइअ (?संकुइअ) - संकुचित - morose, depressed, sulking.
If the reading f31Tujaniu be accepted, the sense would be : "Whose heart (mind) was morose because of his humouring (obliging) his other beloved (viz. Rukmini)." This reading would be equally good. सावसेसलहुओ (anger) lingering and feeble (ebbing away). संभावित - entertained, harboured in the mind. संभावित एव हृत : was removed the moment it was entertained (by her). But this goes against सावशेषलघुक : (lingering and feeble). Except for this difficulty the
translation would be all right." 1229. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of one of the mānopaśāntis, called . palāyanam (fleeing, flight).
1230. Bhoja cites this skandhaka as an example of one of the manopaśāntis, called
punarbhāva (new birth).
1231. Read मउलिअ - अंबुअ-पसरा in the second half and in the chāya मुकुलित०. Bhoja
cites this skandhaka as an example of one of the mānopaśama-lakṣaṇas, called nayananimilana - shutting the eyes. Prof. M. V. Patwardhan's remarks : "दइआलोअपअत्ता - पअत्त = प्रवृत्त - proceeded.