Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
481 1171. Bhoja cites this gātha with the introductory words : "Auffalasat uri —".
See translation. 1172. This gātha is nothing but a repetition of the above gāthā – ŚP S. No.
(1171.257). 1173. See ŚP S. No. (558.154) above. It may be pointed out here that the criticism
levelled by Keith against "the Indian love of meaningless subdivision” and his complaint that “the definitions and the classifications are without substantial interest or value" find some support in Bhoja's elaborate treatment of topics relating to Māna. With a view to saving space we refrain from discussing these technical sub-divisions and their definitions and remain contented with the explanation and exposition of the Prakrit illustrations if and when necessary. Bhoja explains मानमोट्टायितम् thus : विलास एव काक्वादिनातिवक्रो
AHHEIR CHILI - 9039. 1174. Cf. with the second half : gui fa37 37HNUT 3RT HRT II - GS IV.90;
NE RRT PT37 -- HIT II - GS 1.10; auf TUPTEUTUT --- ART ARTI ---R131
01737HORNTUT II GS(W) 940. 1175. Note: Read in the second half 1537 FOOT (? for phot) and in the chāyā
397; 39 (= rise up from your stooping posture"). Prof. M. V. Patwardhan's comments : "The sense of पंसुलिकअणिम्ममेण is not clear to me. णिम्ममेण अणेण (97379UUT) (What is the use of this affectionless (fOFTA) bowing to my feet?) is all right. But I fail to see why the 73195UT is said to be gf1934. Perhaps
fc1637 is to be understood as a separate word - a vocative singular form. "Oh, you soiled (or polluted) one,” – (soiled or polluted or sullied or contaminated by your liaison with another woman, and your infidelity to me). The words y3i 65 OfRIG-GĘ-313761 pose a riddle. In ac muat uans-GET-EGURU, gad perhaps refers to 377 4467 Post – “Tell me this - what is the use of bowing at my feet?" But to whom does the phrase प्रतिषिद्ध-दग्ध-हृदयस्य refer? It cannot refer to the सुभग (lucky man) to whom the stanza is addressed. If it refers to the woman uttering the stanza, we expect gang-GTETEGERIT -- "tell this to me whose accursed heart (i. e., love) has
been spurned (by you).” 1176. 31131737 - (usually spelt as 3113113) = 3THURU noble birth, nobility.