Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
आणीअ-बाह-णिब्भर-भरिअच्छी वेअस-कुडुंगं ।। [तं बान्धवं गतमिव प्रणश्यन्तं पश्यति असती । आनीत-बाष्प निर्भर-भृताक्षी वेतस-निकुञ्जम् ।।"] Bhoja cites this găthă as an example of saṁketa-vatsalya (showing or displaying affection or tenderness towards the rendezvous). We may translate it as follows:
The wanton woman looks at the decaying grove with tearful eyes as if it is a dying kinsman.
853. Bhoja cites this gatha as an alternative example of सङ्केत-वात्सल्य (वात्सल्य, affection
or tenderness). ___Dr. H. C. Bhayani would restore it follows :
"हट्ठा पेच्छइ पंसुलि गामासण्णे सु सुण्ण-छेत्तेसु । मंगुस-कण्ण-सरिच्छं दीसइ पण्णं पलासस्स ||
हृष्टा प्रेक्षते पांसुली ग्रामासन्नेषु शून्यक्षेत्रेषु । नकुल-कर्ण-सदृशं (?सदृक्ष) दृश्यते पर्णं पलाशस्य ।।"] With the second line compare the second line of the following:सिसिरे वणदवदड्ढे वसन्त-मासम्मि संभूयं । मंकुस-कण्ण-सरिच्छं दीसइ पत्तं पलासस्स ।। - GS(W) 781; DN 6.108 मंगुसो." In the desolate patch around the village, when the eyes of the wanton woman fell on the palāśa leaves that looked like the ears of a mongoose her heart leapt with joy. DÁS [better known as Deśīnāmamālā (DN)] p. 221. मंगुस-मुगुसु मुग्गसा णउले। (मंगुसो मुग्गुसू मुग्गसो त्रयाऽप्येते नकुलवाचका: ।) Bhuvanapāla (p.277) thus comments : --- लधि (?घि)म्ना लोभश-कपिलानां पलाश-दलानां 'नकुलकर्णोपमाबीजम् । मंकुसो नकुल: । उपमालंकार : ।
854. Bhoja cites this gathā as an example of सङ्केतानुक्रोश (अनुक्रोश = tenderness,
compassion). The mountain river in spate has swept away the Kadamba tree on its bank as can be seen from the description of the Kadamba flower, being swept away, with its filaments torn away by the whirling motion of the vortex and bee steadily clinging to the flower. This Kadamba tree was providing a