Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
desire). Dr. Bhayani reconstructs the gatha as follows : उचेसि जा कुसुंभं तावचिअ पुत्ति फुलिया पूवा (? पूगा) । मग्गेण महुअपंती कल्लाणपरंपरा तुज्झ / तत्थ || (उचिनोषि यावत् कुसुम्भं तावदेव पुत्रि पुष्पिता: पूगा: । मार्गे मधूक-पङ्क्ति : कल्याणपरम्परा: तव ॥) We may translate the gatha as follows : As you are collecting the kusumbha flowers, look, dear girl, a series of lucky things (for you) is taking place - the pūga (betel) trees have burst into blossom,
the Madhūka trees on the roadside have also come into bloom ! 830. Bhoja cites this gatha as an alternative example of सङ्केतहर्षण. Dr. Bhayani has
partially restored the gātha as follows : सिंबलि-गुडिए गामे वोद्रह-पउरम्मि पुत्ति दिण्णासि । रंजिअ ------- सुहमेत्थ चिट्ठिहिसि ॥ (शाल्मलि-परिवृते ग्रामे युव-प्रचुरे पुत्रि दत्ता असि । रञ्जित ------- सुखमत्र स्थास्यसि ।) We may translate it as follows: You have been married into a village that has thick woods of (that is surrounded by) Salmali trees and plenty of young men. I hope you will live happily there (or you should have a happy time there)!
831. Read ---- (p. 894). Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of सङ्केताश्वास (आश्वास .' = cheering up, consolation). See translation. 832. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (311.107) supra. Bhoja cites
it here as an alternative example of CTTH. See translation.
833. This gātha is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (601.162) supra. Bhoja cites
it here as an example of सङ्केतागम (आगम = coming near, approaching).
Mathuranatha Sastri (p. 83) thus introduces the gatha : 'सङ्केतस्थाने नायकस्त्वत्प्रतीक्षया कामपीडामनुभवन्नुत्ताम्यति' इति नायिकाम् अन्यान् प्रति च तत्र गमने भयं सूचयन्ती दूती तावदन्यापदेशेनाह'(The word TTH probably has reference to the arrival of the nāyakā (or nāyikā, as the case may be) at the love-tryst.
834. Bhoja cites this gāthă as an alternative example of MSCIMA. Mathuranātha Šāstri