Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
Andolana-Caturthi is Swing-Festival. It is mentioned also as the Hindola-Krīdā in the Jaya-mangala The ŚP calls it Dolāvilāsa For details see V. Raghavan:
Festivals, Sports And Pastimes of India, p.74, 111, 112, 229. तट्टिआ or तट्टी
is enclosure, hedge or fence. DSS (p. 153) lays down 'तट्टी वईई', तट्टी - वृति:. 460. This gatha is already dealt with; vide SPS. No. (425.130) supra Bhoja cited
it there as an example of a fost efra. Here he cites it as an example. Here he cites it as an example of धीरोढमुग्धा.
461. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of धीरानूढमुग्धा. सामली-श्यामला a
dark-complexioned beautiful young woman; सोमाला (-सुकुमारा) tender, delicate; तह खरेण-extremely coarse; गोलातूह = गोदातीर्थ-तीर्थ means ghata (in Marathi) - stone-steps leading to the river-water. जंबू (जम्बूकषाय) Jambu-powder.
462. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of अधीरमुग्धा. See the translation.
463. Read in the second half of the gātha 3T UT. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example
of 3TEFRIGYET. See translation.
464. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of अधीरानूढमुग्धा. उजागरअ (उज्जागरक)
sleeplessness; कसाइअ (कषायित) reddish; गुरुअच्छी (गुरुकाक्षी) heavy (i.e., swollen) eyes. मोह (मोघमण्डनविलक्षा) who feels embarrassed because of ornaments worn by her in vain as she has no hope of meeting her lover. This description favours Vemabhupala's understanding of the context : अत्र प्रथमं वासकसज्जिकाया: प्रिये चिरायति, पश्चाद् विरहोत्कण्ठिताया नायिकाया दूती नायकं प्रति, त्वया वञ्चिता समदु:खस्य सखीजनस्यापि सकाशालज्जत इत्यनेन तत्कृतादपि नवान्महत: पराभवाद् इत:परं कां दशां प्राप्नुयात् । तत् त्वया सत्वरमागत्य संभावनीयेति तं प्रोत्साहितवतीत्यभिप्राय: । पृ. ३०.
465. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of ऊढ-मुग्धा. The latter part of the first
half of this gāthā is metrically all right but the reading dat appears to be corrupt and obscure. See the translation.
466. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of 3756-TET. SK (p. 618, v. 152) thus
reads the first half of the gatha: जं जं करेसि जंजंजप्पसि (? जंपसि) जंजं णिअच्छेसि । - p. 618; SPhere reads : जं जं करेसि जं जंच जंपसि जह तुमं णिअंसेसि। -p. 646; GS(W) reads : जं जं करेसि जं जं जंपसि जह जह तुमं णिअच्छेसि । -p.378; Bhuvanapala reads : जं जं करेसि जं जं च जंपसे जह तुम नियंसेसि | Of these the readings presented by Weber