Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
368. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of उत्तमा अधीरोढमध्या (परकीया). SK (p. 617,
v. no. 149) cites this gatha as an example of अश्रु, one of the Sancarins (acc. to Bharata, one of the eight Sättvika-bhāvas).
369. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of उत्तमा अधीरानूढमध्या (परकीया).
370. This corrupt and obscure gathais restored with the help of Tarayana (Taragana),
an anthology of. Bappabhatti, recently edited by Dr. H. C. Bhayani and pub, by Prakrit Text Society, 1987. This gāthā occurs in it (vide p. 70, v. no. 171) : छेयाए मुद्ध-दियरस्स लाइया तह विलासिणि-विलासा । संढो त्ति परिहरिजइ कण्णादाणे जह जणेण || छेकया धूर्तया असत्या । 'मुद्ध-दियरस्स' मुग्धदेवरस्य । 'लाइया' लागिता न्यस्तास्तथा विलासिनी-विलासा: नयनाअनप्रक्षेपालंकाररचनादयो यथा कन्यादाने । संढो त्ति षण्ढोऽयमिति कृत्वा जनेन परिहियते ।
371. Bhoja cites this gathā as an example of उत्तमा धीरप्रगल्भा (परकीया).
372. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of उत्तमा अधीरप्रगल्भा (परकीया). This gatha is
further (p. 859) cited to illustrate uttamatvam'.
373. Read in the chaya'सखि'. Bhoja cites this gathaas an example of 'उत्तमोढप्रगल्भा'.
374. The restoration of the text is absolutely tentative :
चंकम्मिउं सलीलं हसिउं च सविब्भमं हअ-कुमारी । एवं वंके च पुलोएउं xx केण सिक्खविआ ।। (चक्रमितुं सलील हसितुं च सविभ्रमं हतकुमारी । एवं वक्रं च प्रलोकयितुं xx केन शिक्षिता ।।) Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of उत्तमानूढप्रगल्भा (परकीया).
375. Bhoja cites this gathā as an example of उत्तमा धीरोढप्रगल्भा (परकीया).
376. This gāthā is obscure. The restoration given below is alsolutely tentative :
आउच्छिआसि कोमुइ, तुमं पि मामि कोमुईचंद । रमिअ म्ह जेण अज्ज सो चेअ परे जह सुहओ ॥
It is metrically defective. It may be translated as follows :
"I bid farewell to you, O, my friend moonlight; and to you full moon. The charming one who made love to me today, I hope, would also make love to me tomorrow !"