Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
In another gātha Anandavardhana says: "There is no limit to them and they never look like repetitions; (They stand for) the sportive graces of the beloveds and the meanings of the words of good poets."41
"The heart of the Asuras was solely intent on seizing the Kaustubha jewel which was churned out of the ocean along with the goddess Lakşmi. But the god of love set it on the bimba-like red lower lips of their beloveds."42
From the contents of these găthás and from the title itself : "The Sports of Cupid" it is reasonable to infer that the work must have dealt with the subject of love.
6. Praise of Prakrit Poets:
In his introductory verses to Harşacarita the poet, Bāṇabhatta praises Sātavāhana, also known as Salivahana and Hāla, for his (Gatha) Kośa better known as Gathāsaptaśati in these glowing terms :
Satavahana made a treasury of fine sayings as of jewels, avinasinam (1. immortal; 2. indestructible) agrămyam (1. not vulgar or indecent, i.e. refined; 2. not produced in villages : for jewels are found in the sea or in mines, not in villages) visuddha-jati (1. containing description of nature or objects that are not vulgar; 2. of purest character).43
41) दर्शितमेव चैतद् विषमबाणलीलायाम् -
ण अ ताण घडइ ओही ण अ ते दीसंति कह वि पुणरुत्ता । ... जे विम्भमा पिआणं अत्था वा सुकइवाणीणं ॥
. [न च तेषां घटतेऽवधि:, न च ते दृश्यन्ते कथमपि पुनरुक्ताः । .. ये विभ्रमाः प्रियाणामर्था वा सुकविवाणीनाम् ॥]
– Dhvanyaloka IV, p. 539
42) यथा वा ममैव विषमबाणलीलायामसुरपराक्रमणे कामदेवस्य - :
तं ताण सिरिसहोअररअणाहरणम्मि हिअअमेकरसं । बिबाहरे पिआणं, णिवेसिअं कुसुमबाणेण ॥
तत्तेषां श्रीसहोदरत्नाभरणे हृदयमेकरसम् । बिम्बाधरे प्रियाणां निवेशितं कुसुमबाणेन ॥]
- Dhvanyaloka II, P. 265
43) अविनाशिनमग्राम्यमकरोत् सातवाहन : ।
विशुद्धजातिभि: कोशं रत्नैरिव सुभाषितैः ॥
- Harsacarita I. 13