Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
varieties of Rasālamkāra-sankara. After citing the găthā he observes :
अत्र रतिरसप्रभवाद् विस्मयादीनभिभूय पर्याय-संशय - हेतृत्प्रेक्षोपमा उभयालंकारा: प्राधान्येन प्रतीयन्ते । - शृं. प्र., पृ. ४५८.
The position which Bhoja takes in his SK (p. 725) is surprisingly quite different : अत्र यद्यपि रतिप्रभवेभ्यो विस्मयादिभ्य: संशयहेतृत्प्रेक्षोपमादिभ्यश्च पर्यायालंकारः प्राधान्येन प्रतीयते तथाप्यसौ वागारम्भानुभाव इति रतावप्राधान्यमेवानुभवति । - सरस्वती, पृ. ७२५.
196. Bhoja cites this skandhaka from Harivijaya of Sarvasena as an example of
Bhāvapradhāna, one of the varieties of Rasālamkāra-sankara.
Hari (i.e., Krsna) says : "It fascinates me the colouring which Satyabhāmā's lovely face gets from her anger over my offence of love --- beautiful as the moon looks beautiful with its musk-deer."
Bhoja comments on this stanza as follows : अत्र हेतूपमातिरस्कारेण रसवतो हरेर्वचसि वागारभ्मरूपे रुक्मिणी-दत्त-पारिजातमञ्जरीविलोकनप्रभवं सत्यभामाया रोषभावरामणीयकं प्राधान्येन प्रतीयते । In SK we find these comments almost in the same language (vide p. 725).
197. This gāthā is drawn upon from Bappabhatti's Tārāyana(V. No. 131,p.52) :
"Why shouldn't her waist not pine away ? She isn't being visited by the lady's eyes resembling the petals of a blue lotus! They are being blocked by her big round breasts."
• ' Bhoja comments upon it : अत्र हेतूपमोत्प्रेक्षासमाधितिरस्कारेण कस्यचिदनवाप्तदयिता
प्रत्यभियोगाभिमानसुखस्य सुभगमानिन: प्रतिनायकादे: प्रत्यहं सीदत: रसाभासवागारम्भ: प्राधान्येन प्रतीयते । शृं. प्र., पृ. ४५८.
In his SK (p. 679) he cites this very gatha as an example of आभासेषु नायकाभास:. He cites it earlier in SK (p. 498) as an example of यौतोऽनुकूलश्चनिषेधाक्षेपो रोध इत्युच्यते। सरस्वती पृ. ४९८.
Jagaddhara thus comments on it :--- योऽस्याः कुवलयदलतुल्याभ्यामक्षिभ्यां निबिडकुचभरावरुद्धगताभ्यां न दृश्यते। अत्रानया नेत्राभ्यामन्यमीक्षमाणया यथाहं न दृष्ट इत्यहं क्षीणस्तथा मध्योऽपि तेनैव क्षीणतापन्न इति लक्ष्यते । --- पृ. ४९८.
198. This (Dhruvā) gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚPS.No. (112.64) supra. There
he quotes this Dhruva with the introductory remark : “पात्रप्रवेशादिसूचकं वाक्यं ध्रुवा