Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
तथा हि - 'एकत्तो रुअइ पिआ इत्यादौ स्थायिभूतोत्साहव्यभिचारिलक्षणवितर्कभावहेतुसंदेहकारणतया करुणसंग्रामतूर्ययोरुपादानं वीरमेव पुष्णातीति भटस्येत्यनेन पदेन प्रतिपादितम् । न च द्वयोः समप्रधानयोरन्योन्यमुपकार्योपकारकभावरहितयोरेकवाक्यभावो युज्यते । किञ्चोपक्रान्ते संग्रामे सुभटानां कार्यान्तरकरणेन प्रस्तुतसंग्रामौदासीन्येन महदनौचित्यम् । अतो भर्तु:संग्रामैकरसिकतया शौर्यमेव प्रकाशयन् प्रियतमाकरुणो वीरमेव पुष्णाति । -पृ. ९२.
21. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide DHV S.No. (1.6) supra. Dhanika in his
commentary on DR IV. 36 observes : ---अत: केचिदभिधालक्षणागौणीभ्यो वाच्यान्तरपरिकल्पितशक्तिभ्यो व्यतिरिक्तं व्यञ्जकत्वलक्षणं शब्दव्यापारं रसालंकारवस्तुविषयमिच्छन्ति । --- न
केवलं रसेष्वेव यावद् वस्तुमात्रेऽपि । “भम धम्मिअ ---" इत्यादौ निषेधप्रतिपत्तिरशब्दापि व्यञ्जकशक्तिमूलैव । · Dhanika does not accept the Dhvani theory of Anandavardhana. He, in the
course of his presentation of the Pūrvapaksa, quotes it.
22. Pranaya-māna, love-pride', the jealousy of love or the resentment of love.
It may be directed against the lover by the beloved one or vice versa or it may be directed simultaneously against each other by the lover and the beloved. This gātha is cited by Dhanika to illustrate the jealousy or resentment of love of both of them -- the lover and the beloved : "The two in a lovers' quarrel got angry and pretended to be asleep; both stubborn and haughty listen carefully to each others laboured breathing - which of the two will hold out ?"
23. Dhanika cites this gāthā to illustrate the jealous anger of a woman caused by
the inadvertent mention of another woman's name by the hero when addressing the heroine.
24. 'Falling at the feet of one's beloved who maintains jealous anger' is one of the
six means of appeasing her anger, recommended to the lover by writers on Kama-sastra. Dhanika cites this gathā to illustrate this point. (Padayoh patanam natih). In disentangling the husband's hair from her anklet the heroine forgets her jealous anger towards him and manifests clearly her anxiety for him by avoiding to cause pain to him -- if she were to walk away angrily dragging his head !
25. होंत (भवत्, भविष्यत्) would be, prospective; आउच्छण (आप्रच्छन – expression of civility
on receiving or parting with a visitor, welcome, bidding farewell or taking one's leave of) घरं घरेसु - गृहगृहेषु (= प्रतिगृहम् in each and every house). The DR speaks