Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
रचितानि विविधभड्गीभिः प्रसाधनानीति तासां संभोगव्यग्रिमाभावात् तद्विरचनशिल्पकौशालमेव परमिति atafuifTete GGHIAR Ghita I - 19 (q. 24€ - 40)
"The wearing of peacock plumes by the really is an indication of the hunter's deeper attachment to her, while the wearing of pearls by the senior cowives is an indication of his feeble and lukewarm attachment to them.". MVP Vajjālagga p. 448
21. The moon beams bring greatness to night, lotuses to the lotus plant, bunches
of flowers to creeper, swans, to the glory of autumn and the good (sensitive and sympathetic critics) to poetic works.
We have in this stanza the figure 34HT (Simile) implicit, but all the beauty is centred in the expressed figure called 24 (Illuminator). The present stanza deserves to be called kavya because of this expressed figure Dipaka and Dipaka alone.
22. This is an example of 344TA (Suggested Simile). The eyes of the warriors find
more delight in the temples of elephants (of the enemies) than in the breasts of their beloveds. Consequently the expressed figure in this stanza is Vyatireka (Distinction or Excellence). But there is implicit 34HT (simile) between the temples of elephants and the beloveds' breasts. And because of their similarity the warriors find great delight in pressing (crushing) the temples of elephants - the (suggested) Simile is more prominent and charming.
23. In this example the expressed figure is 3 farina (Hyperbole) or qutu (Succession)
based on 3faterala. The mind of the demons (asuras) was first solely intent on snatching from Visnu his Kaustubha jewel; Kāmadeva (= Madana, the God of Love) placed it then in the bimba-like lower lip of their beloveds.
24. The DHV text reads rez'; but Locana (267) renders it into Sanskrit as 'UCH
W (p. 435) too reads 'Res' but Ruyyaka in his commentary renders it in Sanskrit as 'PUNT. KLV (p. 140) however reads 'ro' and the commentary paraphrases it as 'क्रियताम्', Weber rightly prefers the form कीरउ (क्रियताम्) vide GS (W) 279.
cat3ET (CART) depending on fate. Ti (Caract) or act this much or this.c h = the Asoka tree.