Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
sprinkling of milk drops splashed on him by the ocean-churning.
12. It (The ocean) had ample space in its appointed place, because it kept within
bounds; but it had not enough space even on the whole earth during the deluge - It was like Vişnu who assumed the form of a Dwarf (the fifth Vāmana incarnation) but later pervaded the entire universe with the bulk of his striding figure — when taking the three steps.
13. In the autumn the thirsty travellers drink (sparkling) clear water in the lake
perfumed with blue lotuses; that water brings to their minds the faces of their beloveds (with their beautiful eyes and fragrant like blue lotuses).
14. Having long enjoyed the capture of heavenly nymphs or maidens, Rāvana has
brought Sītā to Lankā, the abode of the raksasas (demons) just as a poisondestroying plant is brought to a resting place of venomous serpents (to drive them away).'
15. The traveller smells, touches softly, kisses and presses against his bosom the
madhūka flower because of its resemblance with the cheeks of his wife and
look, he is thrilled with joy! 16. For translation vide KP S. No. (46.430) supra.
17. For translation vide SP S. No. (155.73) supra.
18. The disc of the sun resembled the head of a lordly elephant decked with red
chalk, and it was round like the coils of the serpent Vāsuki, coloured by the minerals of the Mandara mountain.?
19. For translation vide DHV Locana S. No. (*28.11) supra. 20. For translation vide ŚP (84.58) supra.
1. Serpents are believed to be unable to endure the smell of certain plants.
2. The gods and demons used the Mandara mountain as a churning rod when they churned the ocean for nectar; and Väsuki they used as a rope coiled round the Mandara mountain with which they churned the ocean.