Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
the course of amorous sports.)
118. At the mere sight of your beloved husband (or lover) your mind becomes pure
as well as impassioned; but how strange! When he falls at your feet you become as hard as adamant!
119. For translation vide SK S. No. (374.415) supra.
120. Eminent men all over try to propitiate you, Lord, with various kinds of offerings
mostly of gold and precious stones and seek nothing but lovely dust on your feet!
121. My friend, as the bee robs the lordly elephant of his ichor, he offers him the
flappings of his ears!
122. The ornamental 'tilaka'mark on your beloved's forehead travelled from there
to your lips (when you kissed her) and from there to my feet (when you fell prostrate at my feet) thus moving from place to place it has made a tortuous journey to achieve a difficult task !
123. See, O Lord, as soon as it has dawned here, beauty has passed from the lamp
to Aruņa (the sun), from the moon and the countless stars to the white or red day-blooming lotuses --- from the night (śyāmā) to the day and from the flocks of cakoras to the assemblages (cakrām) of cakravākas.
123(a). Leaving the depth of the ocean - a mine of jewels - alas ! O, moon, you
are simply going about in the empty void of the sky and wearing yourself
123(b). A wicked master, alas, treats his servant contemptuously by gradually
assigning to him jobs of lower and lower status : First to be by the master's side, then walk in front of him, then somewhere around him, or shifting him out in the compound and finally be his door-keeper (or to the gate outside).
124. The moon is smaller than the sun, the fire is smaller than the moon, the lamp
than the fire, even than that lamp, you are smaller, O, fire-fly ! Still strangely enough, you glitter (or glimmer in light) !