Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
100. O, charming one, when you come to visit me only as a matter of courtesy,
you delight my heart. How much an excitement must it be to those whom you visit out of real love !
101. Even one spotted deer crossing the path to the right prevents the traveller from
going further on his journey. Then what to talk of when two tearful eyes (resembling the tremulous dark and white-coloured eyes of his beloved one confront him on the eve of his departure ? (He will certainly abandon his
planned journey.)" 102. The bunches of leaves and flowers on the Madhavi creepers in the front yard
have barred the entrance to the house; and they have deprived the women, who are expecting their husbands to return from their journey any time now, of the comfort of watching the homeward path of their return.
103. Thunder, O, cloud, with all your great might only over me – the
avaricious-minded (also, strong or steel-hearted). But do not kill my poor wife who has long hair and who is dissipating in separation. 12
104. Thunder, O, cloud, as much as you please; you too, O, lightning may flash
more frighteningly. This accursed heart of mine which is made of adamant and
is very hard will not indeed burst. 105. For translation vide KP S. No. ( 57.433) supra.
106. For translation vide DIIV S. No. (36.13) supra.
107. "Darling, be kind to me, don't get angry.” “Who is angry with you ?” “O,
fair one you." "How can one get angry with a stranger ?” “Who, pray, is a stranger ?" "My lord, you." "Ilow am I a stranger ?" "That is the fruit of my evil deeds.":13
10. Cf. ŚPS. No. (599.161) supra. 11. Cf. SK S. No. (257.391) supra. 12. Cf. ŚP S. No. (587.159) supra. 13. Cf. ŚPS. No. (250.95) supra.