Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
85. For translation vide A'Ratnākara S. No. (58.557) supra.
86. O, fair one, as you rise higher and higher on your swing, I should imagine that
the moon will soon get its dark spot lighted up (lit. whitened, brightened) by the lustre of your nails (lit. covered with the lustre of your nails).
87. By picking a hole in a naturally pure and bright pearl one may only be introducing
an element of impurity in it or a weak point in it. But the noble attitude would be to put a string in the hole.
Some people look for a point of weakness even in a naturally pure gem and make a hole in it. While other worthy persons turn it to advantage by running a thread through it (the hole).
88. The vacant space — the small gap — between the estranged husband and wife
sleeping in the same bed with their faces turned away from each other was filled by the hair on the body standing erect — through horripilation. Or, the hair on their skin standing erect filled the small gap the lovers had left between the two of them as they out of anger turned their faces against each other and lay on the bed.
89. The heavy pantings a certain lady had after climbing the staircase did not stop
but increased as she caught the sight of Hari (Vişnu, Krsna).
90. The pearls that fell from the necklaces of the young women who played
vigorously on the swings during a festival lent dignity to the drops of perspiration that fell from their bodies.
91. The firm and plump breasts that occupy a very central position have prevented
the upper arms - shoulders - from seeing each other. This fact raises the question: What will such centrally placed hard-hearted persons not do to straightforward persons ?
7. Cf. ŚP S. No. (1087.243) supra.
8. Cf. A 'Sarvasva-Vimarsini S. No. (52.446) supra.