Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
11. How can unpleasant words come out of the mouth of a good mau even though
he is agitated by intense anger ? The rays of the moon cannot but sprinkle nectar even when being swallowed by Rāhu.
12. Even in a trying situation, a leader of men maintains his cool and continues to
bear the yoke of leadership alone. During an eclipse the sun does not use the disc of the moon as a prop.
13. O, angry lady, the red flush on your cheeks and the tips of your ears is now
spreading on the lotus leaves, angerlike lustre, on being hit by the rays of the young sun.
14. The very moment Siva remembers the lovely cheek of Gauri (= Pârvatī) who
agitatedly turned her face away from him, he fetches down the crescent moon from his matted hair and repeatedly looks at it.
15. Your Majesty, looking at the innumerable instances of your goodness which
account for your fame, we thought we saw the very sea of milk! .
16. I gave her your message and repeated it many times but still the lady says "I
couldn't hear it clearly, please repeat” and makes me say it again and again.?
17. O, foolish young girl, of what avail is the lotus worn on your ear as an ornament?
Your darting of one sidelong glance is enough for achieving your aim (lit., is the darting of your sidelong glance (only) slighlty able (to achieve your aim ?)
18. The Creator finds that the full- orbed moon does not quite resemble your face
(and therefore) he breaks it into pieces and means to shape it again differently.
19. Let the Goddess of Sleep alone be worshipped. Of what use are the others ?
For through her favour alone the beloved comes from whatever far off place to make his appearance in a dream.?
2. Cf. ŚP S. No. (407.126) supra. 3. Cf. AʼSarvasva - Vimarsinī S. No. (*54.446) supra.