Chapter IX : Alamkårasarvasva with Vimarsint *1. What shall I say? How much can I say? What is the use of saying ? Even
then it will be said. Or rather, shall I say? Have I not said anything to you ? (The suggestion is : "I will die for you, I am dying for you, here I die for you.)
*2. The masters of today are really the masters. What abilities did the ancient
masters have ? Modern masters can brand merit as demerit and pass off
demerits as merit; could the ancients have done it ? *3. Not many men know how to recite Prakrit verses or poems, to string together
Kubja flowers or enjoy bold and grown-up women who are no longer bashful
or timid in the presence of their lords. *4. For translation vide KP S. No. (19.422) supra. *5. For translation vide DHV S. No. (15.9) supra. *6. For translation vide KP S. No. (12.420) supra. *7. For translation vide SK S. No. (14.342) supra. *8. For translation vide DHV S. No. (23.10) supra.
*9. What stirs you most is not the young woman's or) the beloved's unruly mass
of hair which breaks men's hearts but the sword of the enemy glittering dazzlingly at its edge.
(For double entendre see the Notes.)
*10. The adepts in (or masters of) yoga (deep and abstract meditation) entertain
identical idea about (i.e., look with equal eye on) things like a blue lotus, Indra, jugglery, the five organs of sense taken collectively, a large bee and a lord or ruler of men.
(Verse * 11 is treated in the Notes.) 12. For translation vide DHV S. No. (14.8) supra. *13. Bow down to the Lotus that has sprung from Vişnu's navel brilliant like the
wide firmament in which Brahmadeva, the Creator, with swarming bees