Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
36. For translation vide SP S. No. (2.6) supra.
37. On the occasion of viparīta-rata (Contrary intercourse - where the woman takes
the man's position, man and woman changing places in the act of love), when Lakşmi saw Brahmā seated on the navel lotus of her husband, Vişņu, being intently absorbed in the act of love, suddenly (or quickly) closed the right eye of Vişnu.
38. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (1.6) supra
39. Look at (his accomplishments and) his handsome form. He is simply irresistible.
This is the only defect of his which even the rivals (? my rivals in love) acknowledge.
40. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (369.414) supra. 41. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (14.8) supra. 42. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (39.3) supra.
43. When her paramour came within the range of her vision, while she was amidst
her elders, the daughter-in-law, intent on renouncing everything (all household work) desired to go to the forest.
44. Like a flash she has shot into my heart-she who is never short of excellence.
I see her rolling in my bed. She radiates all over; my speech cannot be without her; and she quickly makes a place for herself in my poems and that naughty girl doesn't remain long out of my mind.
45. O, consort of Siva, let there be in me love for dharma (piety, religious acts);
destroy my desire for birth and rebirth, which has its source in 'tamas'! Thou art my sole refuge; may delusion quickly leave me.
46. Nothing that is seen or heard is comparable, even remotely, to poetry that
provides an abundance of rich food to all senses.
47. For translation vide DHV Locana S. No. (28.11) súpra.
48. The enemy expected the thrill of the battle but quickly turned back (like a
disheartened woman - pratināyikā in his harem) on seeing him place his hand