Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
49. They (the Vanaras of Sugrīva) reached the Sahya mountain where the clouds received diverse hues as they rested upon its mineral rocks where brooks burst out of the caves like laughter and the intoxicating fragrance of bakula flowers spreads.
50. Since I saw that most excellent girl with lotus-face and lovely eyes, the moonlight has become blazing hot, the sandal paste feels like poison, the necklace burns (or irritates) like salt rubbed on wounds, the Malaya- breezes scorch the body, lotus fibres pierce like arrows and, the slender body has been on fire, although it is being drenched wet.
51. The sky was filled with smoke as Rama's bow emanated smoke; it flared up with fire as Rama's bow was hooked to the string and reverberated in all directions the sound of the roaring bow.
52. Then spoke Rama drowning the noise of the sea with his voice, and eclipsing its fame with his own fame, its fortitude with his own fortitude, its strength with his own strength, and its firmness with his own firmness.
53. Let him be adored the Moon, the friend of Madana (the God of Love), the decider of the auspicious and the inauspicious, the one who outshines the stars, who is his own pleasure, who reveals the full beauty of the lotuses, who is an unfailing companion of Siva, who brings glitter to the night-lotuses and adorns Siva's matted hair, who rains streams of light and who glides across the heavens in his own grace.
56. For translation vide SPS. No. (121.65) supra.
57. What is a quarter (1/4) of a yojana (a measure of distance equal to four krośas)? (Answer :) a krośa (- koss); What is that which equals two thousand dandas? (Answer :) a kodanda.
58. For translation vide SPS.No. (111.63) supra
60. The lion was out on a prowl, and the cave was empty. The hunter saw his opportunity and collected the pearls before going away.
65. For translation vide SPS. No. (118.65) supra.
66. For translation vide SP S.No. (119.65) supra