Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
1232. As soon as she saw her dear (husband), there spread extreine joy on her
face, marked with coquetry, that was fascinating and charming, and Madana, the God of Love, fixed beautiful Mohana (Infatuating) - one of his five arrows on his flowery bow with its graceful (flowery) string strung.
1233. Let alone what other people are talking about the feebleness of your love
for me). Your own heart can attest to it. 1234. My friends, why do you ask me to show jealous anger? What is the use
of jealous anger in this case ? He has no genuine love for me; any show of anger will be of no avail in this case.
(Verse 1235 is treated in the Notes.) 1236. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (989.227) supra. 1237. The young women who didn't first respond to the conciliatory gestures of
their men, later were overcome with repentance, felt humbled by their genuine love and themselves, started appeasing them, pretending
intoxication as an excuse. 1238. "Do I feel angry or not?" "Don't. Go on with your usual household chores.
Let us wait. Let your guilty man come home.” 1239. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (1002.229) supra
(Verse 1240 is corrupt and obscure.) : 1241. My friend, how is it posible for me to maintain anger against my beloved,
when the nights with the fragrant (magic?) powder of frost in hand (with
lunar rays) make him proud? 1242. For translation vide ŚPS. No. (1189.260) supra 1243. Why should you tickle me to awaken me as if you are my lover? Come,
my dear friend, get into the bed with me and let us be snug together.
1. सहि पाएसु छिवंती पिओ व्व किं वेलवेसि मं सुअंति।
एहि णुमजसु पासे पाउअ-मुहिआ ण मुणिज्जामो || (सखि पादयोः स्पृशन्ती (प्रिय इव) किं वञ्चयसे मां स्वपतीम् । एहि शेष्व पार्श्वे प्रावृत-मुख्यौ न ज्ञास्यावहे ।।