Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
1017. O, charming one, please tell me whether this is the characteristic of your
celebrated courtesy that you go back to your wives soon after your fresh act of faithlessness?
1018. Granted, O, charming one, that she shines because of her an
and her beauty; and granted that I am without any of such qualities. Does it mean then that any one who is not like her has no business to exist?
1019. As she warned her libertine husband that the woman he had been fond
of all along had detested him, she knew that her own heart was too full of love to entertain any hatred for him (to win his love.)
1020. You regard yourself to be intelligent. You deserve only a flirt who can entice
you with all sorts of blandishment, no way touched by real feeling. Let me stop my love relations with you. I have had enough.
(Verse 1021 is treated in the Notes.) 1022. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (312.107) supra
(Verse 1023 is corrupt and obscure.) 1024. Alas ! my friend, while remaining alive, what have I not seen? My dear
man appeases my anger and I too, with my heart's desires dashed to the ground, allow myself to be appeased !
(Verse 1025 is corrupt and obscure.)
1026. Her heart for a moment felt extremely happy but as the memory of the
earlier offence recurred, quickly regretted its impulsiveness and sank back into indignation.'
1027. The anger of the proud (or self - respecting) women dies away very slowly
indeed. The more they love, the more resentful they feel, and even when they feel, just for a brief while gratified by their lovers' entreaties, they
1. TECUT-H10137-96RH HHR31-16-vinciale131 1
तीए गरुअं (7गरुए) णिसम्मिअं ओअत्तं पि अमरिसे च्चिअ हिअअं ॥ (तत्क्षण-जनित-प्रहर्ष संस्मृतापराध-संघटमानानुशयम् । ARIT Track (?ynda) AquUmH 374TH (?) 3744 a EGUH 11)