Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
700. Whose heart will succeed in resisting a gazelle-eyed damsel's stealthy glance
shot from an eye whose brow has been raised, and reflecting the whiteness
of the teeth that showed themselves in a smile ? 701. The bashful young ladies, afraid of public scandal, passed the whole day
and night in vain in apprehension as to whether their love would be accepted or rejected.
702. The hearts of young bashful women, simmering within, burn like wet wood
with the fire of separation. 703. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (501.144) supra. 704. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (575.157) supra 705. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (398.125) supra. 706. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (397.124) supra.
707. My beloved was within the range of sight, yet I couldn't keep my eyes on
him for long, my friend ! The roads in this wretched village twist and turn like a writhing snake that has been hit with a stick.
708. That man's mistress, whose face has been drenched with her perspiration,
kisses, as if it is his cheek, the yellowing leaf blown towards her by the wind from the banyan tree under which he had often made love to her.
709. Our salutations to those unchaste women into whose mirror-like hearts
whoever comes before them quickly enters.
710. The breasts of the young maidens gradually swell to stand out in full form
and Madana, the God of Love, chooses them as his gateway to their heart.
711. This daughter-in-law of mine ! She has brought disgrace to the family. My
son used to make a kill only with a single arrow but these days he needs two. Look my daughter-in-law, your upstanding breasts have done all this !
(My curses on them!) 712. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (495.143) supra. 713. His complimentary words, free from falsehood, quickly satisfied and relaxed