Note: In addition to the abbreviations, listed in the Text Volume I have used the following grammatical and other abbreviations in this companion volume : Volume II, Translation (with Introduction, Glossary and Notes).
-- --- ... -
A. B.G. acc/Acc ad/Adj ady Caus cf./CE
dat Denom Dest
adjective. Prof. A. B. Gajendragadkar Accusative. Adjective. Adverb. Causal. Compare. Deśī or desya. Dative Denominative. Desi-Sabda-Sangraha (in Hindi & Gujarati) ed. by Pt. Bechardas J. Doshi. for example. Femininé. Gähäkosa of Hala, Part II, ed. by Prof. M. V. Patwardhan. Hemacandra's Prakrit Grammar, ed. by Dr. P. L. Vaidya Siddhahema Sabdānuśāsana (Prakrit Vyākaraņa) (in Gujarati) ed. by Pt. Becharadas J. Doshi. The same. that is. Indeclinable. Imperative. Masculine.
f. or fem. • GK
H/ H / Hem
ibid i.e.