Studies in Haribhadrasūri
monk. The Yoga system of Patañjali has not recognized the imperative- ness of mystical conversion. Probably it confuses moral conversion with the mystical one, the importance of initiation by a Guru, the necessity of seeking his guidance at every step, the possibility of fall from certain heights, i.e. the dark nights of the soul, the significance of the Prati-kramaņa and the Pratyākhyāna. Haribhadra knew these differences but he wanted to establish a unity among the different systems of Indian thought. The process of spiritual development as traced in the YDS is different from that found in his YB. The YV does not describe the preliminary stages of spiritual development but it discusses adequately the later stages. Altogether, Haribhadra's studies in the Yoga Vidyā are a landmark in Indian spiritual Sādhanā.