On the Loka-tattva-nirnaya of Haribhadrasūri
to encourage all to get over their passions and lack of control, etc. There are many pursuits, in which the Ātmans indulge, but without being attached or in any way affected by all this. This also comes to them in a natural course, and surely their enlightenment and liberation are not in any way disturbed. The spirit of mercy, compassion and equanimity remains as it is there.
(vii) The Tīrthankaras are thus the highest Ātmans, and are often worshipped as gods; and here also, Lord Mahāvīra is worshipped with utmost devotion and complete self-surrender by the Jivas of, the world.
It is expected naturally that everybody should put in all possible efforts to sublimate his soul and come out of this shell of the mortal and transitory world and existence so that he constantly struggles to free himself from all passions, attractions, joys and sorrows that the world offers. In a way, that the Kathopanişad stated, viz., 'Śreyaś ca preyaś ca manusyam etas tau samparītya vivinakti dhīraḥ /, i.e. both the ultimate good as well as what is agreeable come to man; a man of fortitude analyses them both, rightly applies to all men of the world, and to all souls. This ultimate good may come to man through the sufferings and struggles of countless births, but the struggle is really worth taking recourse to.