beings, lighted by sunlight, and not perforated by holes. There he lies down, or sits, or remains standing on the bed of straw properly made bereft of living beings. He, then, purges his mind of inimical thoughts, establishes himself in Darsana, Jñāna and Căritra, and sets his face against all sorts of food and Parigraha. He endures all Parīsahas, undauntedly resists all temptations, and does not get disturbed even if his body is thrown at untoward places by furious animals. He engages himself in meditation, avoids sleep, and does not neglect his essential duties. 4 In short, his whole time is devoted to meditation, study, auspicious reflection and the like. He does not require the services of other saints and of the Acārya. In the Bhaktapratijñā-marana the saint serves himself and is served by others, in the Ingini-marana he declines to accept the service rendered by others, but in the Prāyopagamana-marana neither he serves himself, nor does he accept the service of others. In the Prāyopagamana-marana the saint does not feel the necessity of even evacuating his bowels. He keeps his body from beginning to end in the same position in which he first placed it.? He does not use the bed of straw. We may point out here that the Acārānga probably discusses these three types of death without giving their technical names. According to it, in the Bhaktapratijñā-marana, the saint lies down on a bed of straw after giving up all kinds of food. He does not move even if he is touched by mosquitoes, ants etc. He bears them calmly. In the Inginī-marana the saint lies down on the bare ground after renouncing all food. He may move his limbs. In the Prāyopagamanamaraņa, the saint does not stir from his place; and he restrains all the movements of his body.
SUMMARY OF THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER: The previous chapter styled Acāra of the 'Muni' has been devoted to the exposition of the various phases of Muni's conduct, which conforms to the general standard of
1 Bhaga. Arā. 2035. 2036. 2041. 2 Ibid. 2038, 2039. 3 Ibid. 2047 to 2049. 4 Bhaga. Ārā. 2053, 2054, 2055.5 Ibid. 2064. Gomma. ka. 61. 6 Ibid. 2065. 7 Bhaga. Arā. 2068. 8 Doctrines of Jainism p. 290. Acara., 75-7,
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