Religious impulse is equated practice of nonviolence and ly depicting serenity in a with the search for "Truth" peaceful, cooperative coexis- detached and dignified form. (Satya) that: "by soul alone I tence. Jains are strict vege
For many centuries am governed" (appanam tarians and now lacto-vege
Jainism remained confined to anusasayi) and "Let Karma tarians are also steadily
India. However, its global not bind you,". The path of growing
spread acquired momentum enlightenment is sought by
Anekant is another basic in the 20th century with finding the kingdom of God
principle of Jainism which Jains settling down in busiwithin one's inner self
offers a wider, multiple and ness or professions in Africa, through right belief (Samyak
nondogmatic perception of USA, Canada, England, Darshan), right knowledge
human relationships. Just as Belgium, Singapore, Hong (Samyak Gyan), and right
a father also has the role of a Kong and elsewhere. conduct (Samyak Charitra)
husband, a brother, a boss or Increasing globalization of Jain religion focuses pri- a cousin to different persons, Jain religion has heightened mary attention on non- life has multiple rays radiat- the Universal awareness attachment (Aparigraha) ing from a single element. about and respect for its towards material things of Relativity in thinking pro- deeply compassionate and life through self restraint, motes a broader, more uni- ecology-friendly philosophy. fasting, abstinence from over- versal, more tolerant and
The followers of Jainism indulgence, voluntary curtail- more appreciative perspec
number about fifteen million. ment of one's needs and tive on life.
Jain religion is not dogmatic elimination of the aggressive
ainism has not only or caste ridden. It is an open urge. The rituals and prac
shown a spiritual way philosophy, whose benefits tices prescribed for monks
of life to its followers can be taken up by anyone (Mahavrata) are more rigor
but has inspired a dis- willing to improve one's qualous than those (Anuvrata)
tinct stream of culture which ity of life and render human prescribed for ordinary fol
has enriched philosophy, lit- conduct rational in situations lowers. Aparigraha and
erature, art, architecture and both of stress and strain as Ahimsa taken together imply
sculpture, democratic living well as harmony and transupreme respect for ecology
and spiritual advancement in quility. Principles of Jain reliand the conservation of the
India. Jain literature, a rich g ion have a universal mesenvironment through avoid
treasure, is found in Sanskrit, sage for humanity as a whole ance of injudicious exploita
Prakrit, Hindi, Gujarati, and an abiding relevance in a tion of nature or its wanton
Kannada and Tamil languages rapidly changing world condestruction.
in varied forms of poetry, fronted with the growing Vegetarianism is a way of prose, drama and story. spectre of terrorism and life for a Jain, taking its ori- Temples at Abu, Ranakpur, unbridled violence. gin from the concept of kind- Halebid, Gomak, ness toward living creatures Shatrunjaya, Sammetshikhar, (Jiva Daya). The practice of Deogarh and Sravanabelgola vegetarianism is regarded as are marvelous examples of a potent instrument for the art and architecture, ethical
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