Declaration on Ahimsa
The world of today stands on the threshold of a defining
moment in history. Humanity is face to face with crisis of spirit. The new millennium has opened with the unnerving spectre of terrorism and unbridled violence threatening to destroy the cumulative gains of far-reaching spiritual, cultural and material progress.
Whereas human ingenuity, intellect and creativity have in the past millenia built up civilizations which have enlightened and ennobled human minds and hearts; at the same time the world has been plagued by hatred, mistrust, discrimination, exploitation and intolerance and ravaged by ongoing local, regional and global conflicts and wars,
Whereas religions and faiths have been fountain spring of spiritually inspired peaceful life ethics; at the same time inter-faith rivalries and ethnic conflicts have spread violent bitterness and hostility,
Whereas tremendous advances in science and technology have created a glamour world of comforts and luxuries; at the same time they have also been misused for producing nuclear bombs and other lethal weapons of mass destruction;
Whereas religions have propagated that the whole world is one family (Vasudhaioa Kutumbakam); at the same time possessive and exploitative instincts of humans have divided the society into haves and have-nots; harmed the larger living world and upset the ecological equilibrium;
Whereas in recent times great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. have courageously and effectively used Ahimsa for gaining respectively political independence, ending apartheid, and fighting racial discrimination, at the same time the world has drifted towards escalating violence and barbarous terrorism in all spheres of life causing much physical suffering, mental distress and engulfing humanity in a syndrome of fear and insecurity.
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