Non-Violence is the Guarantee for World Peace
His Holiness Acharya Sushil Kumarji Maharaj :* Crusader for Peace and Nonviolence (June 15, 1926 - April 22, 1994)
hought is force. Thought has unlimited power. You are what you think. Anyone can achieve complete success by spiritual awareness. 2,500 years ago Lord
Mahavir gave this perfect truth, "All mankind is one. There is no superiority or inferiority, no caste or creed, no Caucasian or Aryan." Weather conditions in various areas may have produced of pigmentation as far as our skin is concerned, but since our systems of birth and death are the same, our smiling and weeping are the same, our reactions to pain and pleasure are similar, how can we make distinctions by caste, color or religion? A cow's skin may be red, white or black but the milk is the same.
If all the nations of the world can accept the principle of nonviolence, who will attack? If no country is ready to attack, there will be no problem between China or Pakistan and India or between Iran and Iraq.
Mankind is like a big lake. If someone puts poison in any part of the lake, all the water will become poisonous and people will die. It is not possible to poison only a portion of the lake and expect the people on that portion to die and those on other portion to survive. Total survival and total destruction are related. Science has advanced to such a degree that all mankind on this planet must either die together or survive together. It is time to stop the sinful waste of money which is being poured into the production of instruments of destruction. This money should be used for the betterment of the world, mankind and all living beings. It is the perfect time for people to begin to understand the need for nonviolence. Mankind has suffered much from world wars. They understand the result of fighting and destruction. It is time to practice peace and awareness to achive perfection and total enlighten
His Holiness Acharya Sushil Kumarji Maharaj:*
Jain Education International
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